
Year End #RecTech Recap Podcast

In the first episode of 2018, George Larocque from HRwins and Martin Burns from Hireclix join the discussion on RecTech. Tune in to this hour long discussion to kick off the 2018 recruiting season.


GUESTS: George Larocque from HRwins and Martin Burns of Hireclix.com

LINKS: Talent Product Plays on Facebook



Facebook landed with a bit of a thud. I'm not seeing as much traction there yet. I'm getting retails now from them, to do more talking to our clients, and to do some free job feeds, and what not, but I just didn't feel like there was a real strategy in the roll out, at least from [00:08:00] my perspective and viewpoint. Still, I think that there is [inaudible 00:08:03] there, but how are they gonna figure that? They're still not really, either focused on it appropriately, or something's not really kicking in. I think Google's done a far better job with getting to the marketplace, getting attention. I can only see so much when they're under Indeed with them, or run a few things, but what they've done so far is interesting. The market's getting it, and the simple fact is, the impact on Indeed, we haven't even felt it fully yet, I don't think. That's still coming.

Martin Burns


But, in the enterprise space, I don't see the demise of the ATS. I see new players, like great people and existing players, that have a lot of resources, adding more capabilities into ... extending those capabilities so, eventually the ATS is taking on more marketing and CRM-like functions.

George Larocque


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