

Handshake's Garrett Lord on Early Career Recruitment

Handshake is the leading network for early career talent. Their mission is to democratize access to opportunity by enabling students and alumni to establish meaningful relationships--no connections, experience, or luck required. The company is about to celebrate its ten year anniversary.

CEO/founder Garret Lord Joins the Podcast


- Give us a quick history of Handshake what drove you to build it?

-App first experience?

- The company is hitting a decade this spring and you've made some recent product updates, can you tell us about those? 

- What's an example of a success story with a student or employer using the platform? 

-What products and services do you sell to employers?

-What can job seekers do on the platform?

- How do you see the recruiting landscape changing over the coming years with new technologies fueled by AI? 

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